Sarafino (Between weapons and peace)

It is such a hard situation, to sleep while the weapon is in your hand, and next to you lies your wife with a cleaver in her hand, but this represented our daily reality, and there was a single solution for our situation, which brought family peace and brought me…

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Bishop Faridy Taban (The victory of peace)

I lived during the hardest of wars, and I moved under the bombarding of cannons, but in all these terrible circumstances, we had many opportunities to reach people, and to create models of coexistence, no matter which tribe or religion they belong to.

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Faiz Samuel (The impossible dream)

It was super hard; there were too many appliers, and only a few were admitted, although I had no power or authority, yet I had what was more important; The loving and mighty God, who protects me and lifts me from the most difficult persecution I have ever seen.

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Dr. Peter Bara (Real Light)

I faced many difficult issues that were enough to destroy my whole life; is there any hope for a blind poor orphan in this life?! But, a unique meeting changed me, now I’m spreading the light in the hearts, which is more important than eyesight!!

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